Filing Your Taxes is Only Half the Job!
Given the time of year, you have either filed your taxes, or you soon will. And when that happens, it’s natural to feel a sense of relief. It’s done. You don’t have to think about it again for another year.
The thing is, when it comes to getting your financial and legal house in order, there is still one more important thing you should do that is often overlooked. You still need to securely destroy unnecessary personal records that have accumulated over
the years.
Why Destroying Outdated Personal Records is Important
When people are asked why they don't destroy old records, some say that it’s because it’s safer to have them “just in case.” Others say it’s because they don’t know when it’s safe to shred them. They worry they’ll get in trouble.
On the first point, experts agree that it’s safer and more secure to get rid of what you can. Here’s why:
And Be Wary Relying on Electronic Records
Increasingly, people are relying on “the cloud, or a vendor’s website, or their own
electronic copies of records. That’s a mistake.
1. If technical faults permanently disable electronic records, paper copies are the only backup.
2. Electronic data can be corrupted or lost due to hardware, software, or human error. Again, physical records protect against malfunctioning or hacked computer storage systems.
3. Finally, original paper records may be required by law. Considering these concerns regarding personal finances and legal documents, experts recommend obtaining or generating physical copies of crucial transactions and records. Of course, this also means that when those paper records are replaced by new ones, the unneeded ones must be destroyed.
Shred America to the rescue!
When it comes to securely destroying personal records, Shred America has two ways
to help.
Drop-n-Shred™: For maximum savings, you can find one of our many secure,
convenient drop-off locations here. Just bring it in during business hours, and for a
small fee, we’ll take it from there.
On-site Shredding: If you prefer to witness the destruction, we can send you one of
our mobile shredding trucks. You will see how, in a matter of minutes, years of
unneeded records are turned into confetti.
Secure Pick-up: On the other hand, if you prefer it be destroyed at our maximum
security, NAID Certified facilities, we can do that too.
All it takes is one call to (866) 747-3387, or you can use our convenient online
scheduling tool.
Contact us today!! You’ll be glad you did.
Note: The above material is not legal or financial advice. Instead, it distills and interprets general
information that is publicly available from the Internal Revenue Service, the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority, the Federal Trade Commission, the American Institute of CPAs, the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, the National Archives and Records Administration, and several state
hospital associations and medical boards.
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