As a company that provides professional document shredding services, we often come across people expressing that they’re not sure what to shred. Most individuals and company leaders know they need to be mindful of safety when it comes to disposing of documents containing confidential, sensitive information, and other paper materials containing information identity thieves love to her their hands on, but they’re not sure how far to go.
This understandably leaves people feeling overwhelmed, and they most likely put the project off for “one day”. The short answer for what to shred is that it’s better to be safe than sorry, but we’ve compiled a thorough list of exactly what needs to be properly shredded to avoid identity theft, workplace fraud issues, and potential lawsuits and fines for non-compliance.
Essentially, any documents that contain your or someone else’s sensitive information need to be thoroughly shredded as soon as they’re no longer needed. What qualifies as sensitive information?
See our list below for what to shred to avoid being at risk.
Simply throwing away or recycling documents with these types of confidential information makes you or your company an easy target for a variety of threats. Document shredding is a quick, inexpensive way to ensure your or your client’s or patient’s information never ends up in the wrong hands. For questions or help getting started, contact Shred America during normal business hours by calling us at (866) 747-3387 or contacting us here on our site.