The Reason Shred America Takes a Global Approach to Compliance

How Shred America’s global approach to compliance helps major corporations live up to their compliance claims.
Question: What do the following US corporations have in common?
Airbnb, Adobe, Amazon, American Express, Apple, AT&T, Boeing, Chevron, Citibank,
Cisco, Coca-Cola, Dell Technologies, Dropbox, eBay, ExxonMobil, Ford, General
Motors, Goldman Sachs, Alphabet, HP Inc., IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan
Chase, LinkedIn, Mastercard, Meta , Microsoft, Netflix, Oracle, PayPal, PepsiCo,
Pinterest, Procter & Gamble, Qualcomm, Red Hat, Salesforce, Snap Inc., Spotify,
Stripe, Tesla, X, Uber, Verizon, Visa, Walmart, Zoom.

Answer: They and most other large corporations have publicly proclaimed they are
taking a global approach to data protection and privacy compliance.

Of course, to legitimately live up to that claim, their secure shredding service providers
must also be globally compliant. No data controller can be globally compliant unless
their processors are too.

Why do these major corporations (and Shred America) believe global compliance is

1) To Comply with Borderless Regulations: New state and international data
protection regulations are borderless, meaning they apply to any organization
doing business with the citizens of those jurisdictions regardless of where the
organization is located and regardless of where those citizens might travel.

2) In Anticipation of the Inevitable: By complying with the more advanced
regulations, these corporations are simply getting ahead of inevitable future
changes. Data protection regulations are constantly changing and jurisdictions
with less advanced regulations will inevitably take their lead from the more
advanced ones.

3) Best Practices: More advanced regulations represent best practices.
Corporations might be able to get by with lower standards, but they aspire to do
what is best for them and their customers.

4) Public Perception: Data protection and privacy now have a high level of public
awareness and sensitivity. Major corporations always seek to be viewed in a
favorable light by their customers and stakeholders.

5) ESG: Compliance with data protection and privacy regulations fits squarely under
the Governance profile of a corporation. No company can truthfully tout its
dedication to ESG without aspiring to global compliance.

Unfortunately, many of the corporations claiming (or aspiring to) global compliance still
utilize secure destruction services that undermine their compliance and their

Contact Shred America today! Our world class Data Protection Officer will be happy to
explain how we can help.